Question #3e06f

1 Answer
Jul 17, 2017

Refer to explanation


Cells are the fundamental units or building blocks of life. Each cell has various organelles and each organelle has a specific function. This allows division of labour meaning that each cell can perform its specific function. Then, a group of similar cells that work together to perform a specific function is called tissue such as blood. The blood flows throughout the body to carry nutrients to every cell that respires and removes waste products.

A group of similar tissues is called an organ such as the liver which is important in removing toxins in the blood, producing bile etc. Each organ has an important function so that the body is healthy and in working order

. A group of organs with similar function is called an organ system such as the digestive system. That system is important in digesting food, absorbing the nutrients from the food, controlling blood glucose concentration and etc. Each organ system is necessary for the body to work. If an organ in the system is malfunctioning, like the pancreas is not working, this can lead to catastrophic damage to the body as too much glucose in the blood leads to blindness, kidney failure, damage to blood vessels, increased risk of heart attack and strokes.

In summary, without cells life would not exist on Earth; we would not be here to answer your questions. The anatomy and physiology of the body is based on cells working together and doing intricate things that still even puzzle our mind.

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