For which element(s) is/are the chemical symbols indicative of the element's americanized name?
1 Answer
I don't know if you mean both letters of the symbol must be the first two letters of the element, or just the first letter must be the same; I'll choose the latter option, for the fun of it!
I suppose I can give you a complete list in order of increasing atomic number,
The ones in
sfcolor(red)("sodium" -color(red)("Na" (color(red)(Z = 11 ) -
magnesium -
"Mg" (Z= 12 ) -
chlorine -
"Cl" (Z = 17 ) -
sfcolor(red)("potassium" -color(red)("K" (color(red)(Z = 19 ) -
chromium -
"Cr" (Z = 23 ) -
manganese -
"Mn" (Z = 25 ) -
sfcolor(red)("iron" -color(red)("Fe" (color(red)(Z = 26 ) -
sfcolor(red)("copper" -color(red)("Cu" (color(red)(Z = 29 ) -
zinc -
"Zn" (Z = 30 ) -
arsenic -
"As" (Z = 33 ) -
rubidium -
"Rb" (Z = 37 ) -
strontium -
"Sr" (Z = 38 ) -
zirconium -
"Zr" (Z = 40 ) -
niobium -
"Nb" (Z = 41 ) -
technetium -
"Tc" (Z = 43 ) -
palladium -
"Pd" (Z = 46 ) -
sfcolor(red)("silver" -color(red)("Ag" (color(red)(Z = 47 ) -
cadmium -
"Cd" (Z = 48 ) -
sfcolor(red)("tin" -color(red)("Sn" (color(red)(Z = 50 ) -
sfcolor(red)("antimony" -color(red)("Sb" (color(red)(Z = 51 ) -
"Cs" (Z = 55 ) -
neodymium -
"Nd" (Z = 60 ) -
promethium -
"Pm" (Z = 63 ) -
samarium -
"Sm" (Z = 62 ) -
gadolinium -
"Gd" (Z = 64 ) -
terbium -
"Tb" (Z = 65 ) -
thulium -
"Tm" (Z = 69 ) -
ytterbium -
"Yb" (Z = 70 ) -
hafnium -
"Hf" (Z = 72 ) -
sfcolor(red)("tungsten" -color(red)("W" (color(red)(Z = 74 ) -
rhenium -
"Re" (Z = 75 ) -
platinum -
"Pt" (Z = 78 ) -
sfcolor(red)("gold" -color(red)("Au" (color(red)(Z = 79 ) -
sfcolor(red)("mercury" -color(red)("Hg" (color(red)(Z = 80 ) -
thallium -
"Tl" (Z = 81 ) -
sfcolor(red)("lead" -color(red)("Pb" (color(red)(Z = 82 ) -
astatine -
"At" (Z = 85 ) -
radon -
"Rn" (Z = 86 ) -
protactinium -
"Pa" (Z = 91 ) -
neptunium -
"Np" (Z = 93 ) -
plutonium -
"Pu" (Z = 94 ) -
curium -
"Cm" (Z = 96 ) -
berkelium -
"Bk" (Z = 97 ) -
californium -
"Cf" (Z = 98 ) -
einsteinium -
"Es" (Z = 99 ) -
fermium -
"Fm" (Z = 100 ) -
mendelevium -
"Md" (Z = 101 ) -
lawrencium -
"Lr" (Z = 103 ) -
rutherfordium -
"Rf" (Z = 104 ) -
dubnium -
"Db" (Z = 105 ) -
seaborgium -
"Sg" (Z = 106 ) -
bohrium -
"Bh" (Z = 107 ) -
hassium -
"Hs" (Z - 108 ) -
meitnerium -
"Mt" (Z = 109 ) -
darmstadtium -
"Ds" (Z = 110 ) -
roentgenium -
"Rg" (Z = 111 ) -
copernicium -
"Cn" (Z = 112 ) -
nihonium -
"Nh" (Z = 113 ) -
moscovium -
"Mc" (Z = 115 ) -
livermorium -
"Lv" (Z = 116 ) -
tennessine -
"Ts" (Z = 117 )