What is a transform fault?

1 Answer
Feb 9, 2018

A transform or trasvers fault is an convergent plate boundary.


A transform or slip block, trasvers fault is a type of convergent boundary. Other types of convergent plate boundaries are the subduction zones where an ocean plate means another ocean plate or continental plate, and where mountains are formed where a continental plate collides directly with another continental plate.

The similarity between the transform boundary and other convergent boundaries is that all are places where plates are moving against each other.

The difference is the angle at which the plates converge or move against each other. In a subduction zone the plates collide along a line an 180 degree angle or close to a straight line. This causes one plate to be driven and pulled under the other plate. The same type of angle is true where the Indian sub continent collides withAsian continental plate. As the two plates are moving in opposite direction both plates buckle causing the formation of tall mountains. Himalayas.

In a transform plate boundary the plates meet at an angle much less than 180 degrees. This causes the the plates the to slip and slide pass each other This type of convergent boundary produces major earthquakes but does not produce volcanos.