Is it possible to enter a black hole?

2 Answers
Sep 4, 2017

you'd get pulled apart and worm holes are entirely theoretical


The latest theory of black holes says that as you enter a black hole's gravitational field, you will be stretched at an increasing rate as you go deeper into the black hole. At some point you would literally be stretched so thin you would cease to live.

And as I said, worm holes are entirely theoretical at this point although that theory extends the idea that were such a thing to exist, it could be a portal to either a different dimension or to a different place in space-time.

Sep 5, 2017

It is theoretically possible to enter a black hole but it is impossible to return.


Getting close to a black hole is rather hazardous. Gravitational tidal forces stretch things to destruction.

If you were able to survive the tidal forces, in theory you can cross the event horizon. The problem then is it is impossible to return as nothing, not even light can escape a black hole.

We are not sure exactly what is inside a black hole. The solution to Einstein's field equations tend to infinity at the centre of the black hole. This implies a region of infinite density. When equations of physics yield an infinity, they are considered to have broken down. We need new physics to get around this.

There are theories that black holes are portals to another universe, but these have not been proven.

Wormholes are allowed by General Relativity. The problem is that it requires exotic negative energy matter to open the wormhole enough for anything to pas through. We are not even sure that such exotic matter exists. In principle a wormhole can be used as a time gate.

In summary, black holes and wormholes are little understood. Neither has been directly observed. Objects have been detected which can only be explained by being a black hole. This includes the supermassive black holes at the centres of most galaxies.