I'm supposed to write a journal based on what I think my life will be like after school. How am I supposed to do that?

1 Answer

Some ideas below:


While I don't have an answer for you, I do have some thoughts...

First off, it's clear you are keeping a journal. Perhaps to record your day, perhaps to express feelings and desires and hopes and all the things you feel on a day-to-day basis.

One thing you may have journaled about is "What will life be like after school?" It is a thing - I know going through high school in particular, most of my fellow students (and myself included) didn't have a clue what was going to happen. Some sort of higher education was a fuzzy goal, and then beyond that??? Who knows?

And so you can look at the lives of adults around you (parents, relatives, teachers, mentors, leaders of groups, etc) and just not relate to what it is that they are doing, how they are feeling, how they are relating to you and to the world at large. And I know growing up I was taking mental notes on a list called When I Get Older I Do Not Want To Be Like That.

So now to the exercise... this is your opportunity to walk in adult shoes and deal with the day in a way you feel comfortable with (I get the idea from the question that this is the whole point of the exercise - to visualize a situation in order to take the stress and anxiety from the not knowing of what will happen).

And so as part of this exercise, just breathe and relax and imagine a day as an adult - when you are ready to do the exercise, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths in a calm quiet space, and simply allow a day as an adult to unfold. You can start with waking in the morning:

  • Open your mind's eye (i.e. your imagination's eye - the you in the visualization) and look around. What do you see? Where did you sleep? What's around you?
  • Allow your mind to walk through your routine after waking. I'm avoiding using "morning routine" because it may not be morning in your visualization. What is that like?
  • Do you work? Where? In an office? At home? If you don't work, what do you do with your waking hours?
  • After working (or not working), what do you do? Where do you go? And where do you go to sleep when you are tired and seeking slumber? Is it in the same place as where you woke up?
  • And lastly, before ending the visualization, as your visualized self goes to sleep, consider your day. What did you like about it? What would you like to see happen?

Again, this is just one idea as to how to do this exercise. Good luck with it!