For question a, the conversion from centimetres to millimetres is shown by this picture:
So 1cm = 10mm, and 1mm=0.1cm. Therefore, 4.1 cm equals 4.1⋅10=41mm
The conversion from days to seconds is shown by:
This mean 1 days is equal to 1⋅24⋅60⋅60=86400s. The last thing to do is to divide the millimetres by the seconds, so that we get 4186400==0.0004745370=4.745370⋅10−4 millimetres of sweet corn per second.
For question b, the conversion from centimetres to feet is 1cm=0.0328084f, and 1f≈30.48cm. Therefore, to find how much feet are in 4.1 centimetres, you do 4.1⋅0.0328084=0.13451444f.
Next, you realise that there are 7 days in a week, so the sweet corn growth rate currently looks like 0.13451444f/(17)w. The last thing to do is to multiply both sides by 7, so we get 0.13451444⋅7=0.94160108f/w, the answer to question b.