Question #34934

1 Answer

Disclaimer: This is an opinion-based answer.

I believe that the motto of the French Revolution (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity) was fulfilled.


If you look at France after the revolution, it was at a very different state than before.

It had been turned into a democracy, which means that it is for the people, of the people, and by the people, thus bringing a sense of equality into the nation, which is one of the goals that the revolutionists had.

Napoleon Bonaparte, the general of the French Revolution, destroyed the aristocratic system and also destroyed the monarchy, which brings a sense of equality and fraternity since everybody is equal, so everyone has to be together.

Last, but not the least, there was religious tolerance in France. The French citizens were no longer controlled by the Church, giving liberty to the French people.

The only problem with the revolution was that it brought a monarchy back again because Napoleon put his children as the successors to the rule of France. Also, the French peasants had more rights, but they were not helped financially.

Which brings me to my conclusion that the motto of the French Revolution had been fulfilled, but there were some bad things to it also.