What mass of carbon dioxide would result from the complete combustion of #3.4*mg# of methane?

1 Answer
Oct 24, 2017

Approx. #0.010*g#......


WE need a stoichiometric equation to represent the combustion:

#CH_4(g) + 2O_2(g) rarr CO_2(g) + 2H_2O(g)#

And thus 1 mole of carbon dioxide results from combustion of each mole of methane.

#"Moles of methane"=(3.4xx10^-3*g)/(16.03*g*mol^-1)=2.12xx10^-4*mol#

And thus we get a mass with respect to carbon dioxide of #2.12xx10^-4*molxx44.01*g*mol^-1=9.3*mg#....take that environment.