A molar quantity of gas at a pressure of #1*atm#, expresses a volume of #44.8*L#. What is the temperature of the gas under question?

1 Answer
Nov 11, 2017

Well for a given molar quantity, the volume occupied by a gas.....


...is a state function of pressure and temperature.....and most commonly the function we use is the ideal gas equation.....

#PV=nRT#, with #"P = pressure"#, #"V = volume"#, #n="moles of gas"#, #"T = absolute temperature"#, and #"R = a constant"#...

Chemists typically use #R=0.0821*L*atm*K^-1*mol^-1#.

And so here we ASSUME a molar quantity, a pressure of #1*atm#....and #"volume"=44.8*L#....and solve for #T#

