What is the Comparative and Superlative of the word "new"?

1 Answer

newer, newest


When we look at an adjective that is Comparative, we're looking at two things and talking about a quality in relation to the other. For instance, let's say I've been buying the Game of Thrones series of books as they come out. I've got all of them (and for arguments sake let's say there are six out right now).

Book 2 is newer than book 1.
And book 5 is newer than book 3.
And book 6 is newer than book 5.

Newer is the Comparative form of new.

(We can also use more new.)

When we want to look at the all the books and say which one out of all of them is the most new, we would say that

Book 6 is the newest book of the series.

Newest is the Superlative form of new.

(We can also use most new).