#lim_(x->oo) ((n+2)!+(n+1)!)/((n+2)!+(n+1)!)# ?

1 Answer
Feb 16, 2018

Answer #=1#


Let's first consider what is being asked in the question.

Answer #=lim_(x->oo) ((n+2)!+(n+1)!)/((n+2)!+(n+1)!)#

Now we have a couple of things to mention:

(i) #x# is not involved in the limit. We could assume that #x# was supposed to have been #n#.

(ii) Since the numerator and the denominator are equal for all #n#, the object of our limit equals #1#.

#:. lim_(n->oo) ((n+2)!+(n+1)!)/((n+2)!+(n+1)!) = 1#

Hence, Answer #=1#

BTW: If the question was meant to be:

Answer #=lim_(n->oo) (n+2)!+((n+1)!)/((n+2)!)+(n+1)! #

#= lim_(n->oo) (n+2)! + 1/(n+2) + (n+1)!#

#= oo + 0 + oo = oo#

So, Answer #= oo#