What are few basic differences between right and left atria?

1 Answer
Nov 30, 2017

............Right atria.............................................Left atria.......................

  • Receives deoxygenated blood.........Receives oxygenated blood
  • There are three inlets*..........................There are four inlets#
  • Pumps blood to right ventricle..........Pumps blood to left ventricle
  • Tricuspid valve guards outlet.............Bicuspid valve guards outlet
  • Pacemaker is embedded in wall.......No pacemaker is present

*Venous blood enters right atrium through inferior vena cava, superior vena cava and also from coronary sinus.

#Pulmonary veins from two sides of lungs drain in left atrium: in human there are two from each side, hence four pulmonary veins.

All inlets to the two atria could be seen from dorsal surface of heart .
