Question #2a86e

1 Answer
Jan 6, 2018

Israel was formed by decision of the United Nations in 1948


The land called Israel or Palestine, had been controlled and ruled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire until the end of World War I. There was no Israel or Palestine under the Ottoman Turks. Both Jewish and Arab people live in the land under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

After World War I the land was given to England to administer as a protectorate. England had promised the Jewish people a homeland for their support during World War I under the Balfort Agreement. England had also promised the Arab people the land as part of their support against the Ottomans during the war.

During the administration of the land now called Palestine for the first time, both the Arab and Jewish people fought the British for control of the land and freedom from the British presence and control. The Jewish people engaged in acts of terrorism to force the British out.

After World War II many Jewish people who had survived the Holecost of the Nazi's came to the land of Palestine seeking safety and a homeland. This increased the percentage of Jewish people living in the Protectorate, and caused friction with the Arab people living in the land both Muslim and Christian.

To resolve the conflict the United Nation, decided to divide the land between the Jewish people and the Arab people. One part of the protectorate was to be given to the Jewish people and called Israel. The larger part was to be given to the Arab people and called Palestine. This division was made in 1948.

The Jewish people declared the existence of the newly Independent state of Israel. The Arab people refused to recognize the United Nation Division of the land and attacked the state of Israel. At the end of the war the Arab nation of Jordan had absorbed what was supposed to be the independent nation of Palestine and the Jewish state had taken parts of the land intended for the Arab people by conquest.