The table #((x:, 3, 4, n, 8),(y:, 5,7,11,15))# describes a linear function. How do you express the function in slope intercept form and find the value of #n# ?

1 Answer
Jan 11, 2018

#y=2x-1" "# and #" "n = 6#



#((x:, 3, 4, n, 8),(y:, 5,7,11,15))#

We want to find the linear equation and solve for #n#.

The equation may be written in the form:

#y = mx+c#

for some constants #m# and #c# to be determined.

This must be satisfied by the table entries we are given.


#{ (color(blue)(5) = color(blue)(3)m+c), (color(blue)(7) = color(blue)(4)m+c), (color(blue)(11) = color(blue)(n)m+c), (color(blue)(15)=color(blue)(8)m+c) :}#

Subtracting the first of these equations from the second, we find:

#2 = m#

Then substituting #m=2# in the first equation, we have:

#5=3*2+c = 6+c#


#c = -1#

Check the fourth equation:

#2*color(blue)(8)-1 = 16-1=color(blue)(15)" "# as required.

Then the third equation becomes:

#2color(blue)(n)-1 = color(blue)(11)#

Add #1# to both sides to get:


Divide both sides by #2# to find:
