A bird flies north at 20 ms^-1 for 15second and then flies west at 25ms^-1 for 10second. Find the average acceleration for the whole trip. Solution???

1 Answer
Jun 14, 2017

Average acceleration: color(red)0


Assuming the bird started at rest and stopped flying (returned to rest) at the end of its flight, any positive acceleration would need to be balanced by negative acceleration.


It is entirely possible (maybe likely) that this question should have asked for the average velocity.

In this case the bird flew 300 m North and 250 m W over a period of 25 seconds;
or on average 12 m North and 10 m West per second
for an average of (using the Pythagorean Theorem)
color(white)("XXX")sqrt(12^2+10^2) m/sec
at an angle of
color(white)("XXX") arctan(10/12) West of North