A cube (density 0.5gm/cc) of side 10cm is floating in water kept in a cylinder beaker of base area #1500cm^2#. When a mass m is kept on the cube, level of water rises in the beaker by 2mm. Find mass m?

1 Answer
Feb 12, 2018

If water level rises by 2mm or 0.2cm in the cylindrical beaker of base area #1500cm^2# due to keeping of mass #m# on the floating cube then volume of water more displaced for this will be #V=1500*0.2=300cm^3#.

The mass of this water will represent the mass of #m#.Since weight of the mass #m# is the weight of the displaced water following the condition of floatation.

So mass of #m# = mass of #300cm^3# water= #300*1g=300g#
(Considering density of water as #1gcm^-3#

So #m =300g#