A gym offers regular memberships for $80 per month and off-peak memberships for $60 per month. Last month, the gym sold a total of 420 memberships for a total of $31,100. How many memberships sold were regular memberships?

2 Answers
Dec 14, 2017

295 tickets sold at regular price and 125 sold at concessional price.


Number of tickets sold at regular rate = #x#,
Tickets sold at concession = #y#,

#x+y = 420#




#=> 20x+60*420=31100#


#20x=31100 - 25200#





#295+y=420 => y = 420-295 = 125#

Dec 14, 2017

Last month, #295# regular $80 memberships were sold.


The trick to solving problems like this is to find a way to express BOTH kinds of information in the problem:

1) Find a way to write the NUMBER of each kind of membership

2) Then find a way to express the VALUE of both kinds of memberships

1) Find a way to express the NUMBER of each kind of membership

Let #x# represent the number of #$80# memberships out of 420 total.
Then all the rest of the memberships are for #$60#

#$80# memberships . . . . . . . . . #x larr# number of #$80# memberships
#$60# memberships. . . #420 - x##larr# number of #$60# memberships

2) Find a way to express the VALUE of each kind of membership

#80x# #larr# Value of #x# number of #$80# memberships
#60(420 - x)# #larr# Value of #(420 - x)# number of #$60# memberships

3) Together, these memberships have a value of #$31,100#

[$80 memberships] "plus" [$60 memberships] "equals" [$31,100]
[ . . . . . . . #80x# . . . . . ] . .#+# . [. . . #60(420 - x)#. . ] . . .#=# . . [. #31 100# .]

4) Write the equation and solve for x

#80x + 60(420 - x) = 31 100#
Solve for #x#, already defined as "the number of $80 memberships"

1) Divide all the terms on both sides by 10 to make the numbers smaller
#8x + 6(420-x) = 3110#

2) Divide all the terms on both sides by 2 to make the numbers even smaller
#4x + 3(420 - x) = 1555#

3) Clear the parentheses by distributing the 3
#4x + 1260 - 3x = 1555#

4) Combine like terms
#x + 1260 = 1555#

5) Subtract 1260 from both sides to isolate #x#, already defined as "the number of $80 memberships"
#x = 295# #larr# the number of $80 regular memberships

Last month, #295# regular $80 memberships were sold

#295# memberships @ #$80# ea . . . . #$23,600#
#125# memberships @ #$60# ea . . . . #$   7,500#
.................... ............................................. .................................
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #$31,100#