A horse's body temperature #T# is considered to be normal if it is within least 0.9 F of 99.9°F. What is the range of normal body temperatures for a horse?

1 Answer
Oct 21, 2017

#R: 99< T < 100.8#


A horse's body temperature is normal if it is 0.9°F within its normal body temperature of 99.9°F.

This means the lowest possible normal body temperature for a horse is


The highest possible normal body temperature for a horse is


I'm assuming the range in this context does not relate to the maximum minus the minimum (100.8°F-99°F=1.8°F), but in an algebraic sense.

Knowing the lowest normal temp. is 99°F and highest possible normal temp. is 100.8°F, then we can conclude for the range #R# and temperature in Fahrenheit #T#

#R: 99< T < 100.8#

I hope this helps!