A jug contains 2.45 liters of cranberry juice. A bottle contains 21325 liters of grape juice. Which container holds less fruit juice? How much less?

2 Answers
Sep 11, 2017

The jug holds. 0.07 liters less


The jug contains 2.45 liters.

The bottle contains 21325 liters

convert 21325 into a single fraction 2 x 25 + 13 = 6325

6325 of 1 liter:


i.e 6325=2.52 liters

Amount in bottle - amount in jug:


0.07 liters less

Sep 11, 2017

The jug holds 0.07 litres less than the bottle.


We can see that 0.45 is less than 12 (0.45<0.50)

while 1325 is slightly more than 12 (121225<1325).

Therefore the jug contains less juice, but by how much?

Numbers have to be in the same form to be accurately compared.

Convert the mixed number into a decimal by making the denominator 100


The measurements are both in litres, so now we can find the difference.

2.522.45=0.07 litres