A lap around a motocross track is mile. How many laps do you need to complete to finish a 6-mile race?

1 Answer
Jan 15, 2017

For 6 miles you have 6 laps


Given that the length of 1 lap is 1 mile.

The word lap means going round all of the track once.

So using ratio in fraction form:

#("lap")/("distance")->("1 lap")/("1 mile") #

Multiply by 1 and you do not change the value. However, 1 comes in many forms.

#color(green)( [("1 lap")/("1 mile") color(red)(xx1)] " "=" "[("1 lap")/("1 mile")color(red)(xx6/6) ] )" "=" "("6 laps")/("6 miles")#

So for 6 miles you have 6 laps
#color(blue)("Showing the link between the ratio method and the shortcut method")#

#color(brown)("Using and example - in detail")#
Suppose 1 lap was 3 miles long. How many laps would you need to do to travel 20 miles.

Starting off as we did before

#("lap")/("miles")->("1 lap")/("3 miles")#


This is the different method bit.

This is the same as #1/3=1/20xx"laps"#

Multiply both sides by 20



#color(magenta)("but "20/20=1)#


laps count#=20/3 = 6 2/3#
#color(brown)("This is how it should look when jumping steps")#

Let the count of laps be #x#



#x=6 2/3#