A recipe calls for a total of #3 2/3# cups flour and sugar. if the recipe calls for #1/4 #cup of sugar, how much flour is needed?

1 Answer
Jun 20, 2017

This is very detailed as I wish to make some principles about fractions clear.

#3 5/12#


This question boils down to #3 2/3-1/4#

A fractions structure is that of:

#("count")/("size indicator of what you are counting") ->("numerator")/("denominator")#

You can not directly add or subtract the counts (numerators) unless the size indicators (denominators) are the same.

#color(blue)("Consider "3 2/3)#

Write as #3+2/3#

Multiply by 1 and you do not change the value. However, 1 comes in many forms so you can change the way something looks without changing its true value

#color(green)( [3color(red)(xx1)]+2/3#

#color(green)( [3color(red)(xx3/3)]+2/3#

#" "9/3" "+2/3" "=" "11/3#
#color(blue)("Putting it all together")#

#3 2/3-1/4" "->" "11/3-1/4#

But the size indicators are not the same. I chose to make them become 12

#11/3-1/4" "->" "color(green)( [11/3color(red)(xx1)]-[1/4color(red)(xx1)])#

#color(green)( " "->" "[11/3color(red)(xx4/4)]-[1/4color(red)(xx3/3)])#

#color(green)(" "->" "44/12" "-" "3/12)#

Now we may subtract the counts

#" "->" "(44-3)/12" "=" "41/12#

But this is the same as #12/12+12/12+12/12+5/12#

#" "=" "1color(white)(2)+color(white)(2)1color(white)(2)+color(white)(2)1color(white)(2)+5/12" "=" "3 5/12#