A rectangle with sides #x# and #3x+2# has an area of #56 m^2#. What is the value of #x#?

1 Answer
Apr 4, 2018

The value of #x=4# m


Sides of the rectangle are #x and (3x+2)# m

Area of the rectangle is #x*(3x+2)=56 :. 3x^2+2x=56# or

#3x^2+2x-56=0 or 3x^2-12x+14x-56=0# or

#3x(x-4)+14(x-4)=0 or (x-4)(3x+14)=0#

Either #(x-4)=0 :. x=4 or 3x+14=0 :.x= -14/3# .

Sides cannot be negative so, #x=4# m

The value of #x=4# m [Ans]