A sprinter set a high school record in track and field, running 200.0 m in 21.3 s. What is the average speed of the sprinter in kilometers per hour?

1 Answer
Apr 18, 2017

I'm not sure (I am bad at doing calculations :P), but I think the answer is 33.803 km/hour


Since there are 3600 seconds in an hour, you divide 21.3 by 3600 to get the proportion of 21.3 seconds and 1 hour, which is 0.00591667:1. Knowing that 1000 meters is equivalent to a kilometer, you can divide 200.0 m by 1000, getting 0.2. Basically, you are running 0.2 km per 0.005916667 hours. Since you want to find the kilometers per FULL HOUR, you can multiply both sides (0.2 AND 0.005916667) to get 33.803 km per 1 hour. Hope this helps! (and hope I'm right :D)