A train travels at #110 3/10# miles per hour. At this rate, how far will the train travel in #2 1/2# hours?

1 Answer
Apr 2, 2016



Recall that the formula for distance is:



#1#. To determine how far the train will travel, start by converting the given mixed fractions into improper fractions.





#2#. Substitute your known values into the distance formula.



Don't forget about units! Note that #"miles"/"hour"# is read as "miles per hour."


#3#. Since #5# (numerator) and #10# (denominator) can be divided by a common factor of #5#, their values can be reduced.



#4#. Cancel out the unit, hour(s), which appear in the numerator and denominator as a pair.


#5#. Solve.
