Acne is a skin condition associated with secretions from what glands?

1 Answer
Feb 7, 2016

The sebaceous glands.

The secretion - known as sebum - is an oily substance that waterproofs, lubricates and protects your skin. It is made up of a mixture of fats and cellular debris. This is useful, as it can dispose of debris as well as keeping the skin soft, flexible and absorbent.

Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands - found all over the body (with the exception of hairless areas like the palms of your hands) and usually attached to hair follicles.

However, if a glands outlet gets plugged, sebum can accumulate in the hair follicle and sebaceous duct. The breakdown of sebum (specifically the triglycerides in it) releases fatty acids that trigger an inflammatory response. This leads to lesions (pimples) on the skin, also known as acne. It is worth noting that the breakdown of sebum is more common when there is more bacteria present - thus proving the importance of good personal hygiene.

I hope this helps, please let me know if I can do anything else, or if this was helpful:)