An airplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 320km/h in 7.5 hours. calculate the distance travelled by the plane in m/s?

2 Answers
May 6, 2018

Distance can not be measured in m/s (meters per second)


Did you want the distance flown or the speed converted to m/s?

May 6, 2018

#88.9 m/s# or #2.4*10^6 m#, whichever you wanted.


OK, I will calculate speed in m/s and distance in m. You choose what you needed.

This is a matter of converting the units from km/h to m/s. The 7.5 hours will not be a factor.

#320 cancel(km)/cancel(h) * (1000 m)/(1 cancel(km)) * (1 cancel(hour))/(3600 "seconds") = 88.9 m/s#

I will first multiply the 320 km/h by the 7.5 hours.

#"distance" = 320 km/cancel(h) * 7.5 cancel(hours) = 2400 km#

To get the result in meters ...

#2400 cancel(km) * (1000 m)/(1 cancel(km)) = 2,400,000 m = 2.4*10^6 m#

I hope this helps,