Area between curves?

How would you find the area between the following curves :

#x = y^4#
# y= sqrt(2-x)#

I know you differentiate with respect to y rather than x. I'm having trouble determining the bounds though.

1 Answer
Feb 6, 2018

#A_"tot" = 22/15 ~= 1.467#


To find the area between these curves we need to integrate them along the same axis. To begin with, the area between any curve and #y=0# is just the integral of the curve between the bounds. Next we must find the bounds.

To begin with we see that the first curve, #x=y^4# cannot have any negative values for #x#, so we can re-write it as

#y=\root(4)(x)# for # x >=0#

Then we see that for the next function to have a positive number under the square root, #2-x >= 0# or:

#y = sqrt(2-x)# for #x <=2#

Therefore the bounds for the integration must be #x_1 = 0# and #x_2 = 2#. The following graph shows the shape of the curves:

We can confirm that the two curves cross at #x=1#:

#\root(4)(1) = 1# and #sqrt(2-1) = 1#

So we can break the area up into two segments

#A_1 = \int_0^1 \root(4)(x)dx = [4/5 x^(5/4)]_0^1 = 4/5#

#A_2 = \int_1^2 sqrt(2-x) dx = [-2/3 (2 - x)^(3/2)]_1^2 = 2/3#

The total area is the sum of these two:

#A_"tot" = A_1+A_2 = 4/5+2/3 = (12+10)/15 = 22/15 ~= 1.467#