Arrange in increasing order of boiling point and give reason? Benzaldehyde, p-tolualdehyde, p-nitrobenzaldehyde, acetophenone.

I know that acetophenone has the least boiling point because the methyl group on carbonyl carbon, decreases its electrophilicity due to +I effect.
How do I compare other para-substituted benzaldehydes?
I know that nitro group is electron withdrawing while methyl is electron releasing. Also meta- positions in benzaldehyde is electron deficient because of resonance (-CHO group pulls electrons from the benzene ring, thus deactivating it.)

1 Answer
Feb 17, 2018

Do you think you could quote the normal boiling points?


The scientist interrogates data...and there are no data included with the question. Clearly, the molecule with the greatest intermolecular force will exhibit the highest boiling point.