At what number will human population peak and when?
1 Answer
There are a few different estimates as to when the population will peak and at what number.
There are multiple predictions as to when and at what number the human population will peak.
One estimate suggests that we will peak in 2055 at 8.7 billion people.
Another study predicts that we will peak at 9.4 billion people by 2070.
The UN predicted we will peak at 9.2 billion in 2075 in a report published in 2004. They suggest that we will reach 8.9 billion in 2050 and will the population will vary little over the next 25 years (see the figure below, the "Medium" line).

Thus, these predictions are all slightly different depending on the methods used and the numbers used for calculation. Predicting global population numbers takes into account a number of factors, such as a country's level of economic development, historical trends of population growth, the age structure of the population, and other considerations.