Can someone prove to me that multiplication by imaginary numbers is a rotation?

I understand the concept of the rotation where multiplication by #-1# is a #180°# rotation and then squared is #360°# so therefore #-1^(1/2)# is #90°# but I don't see how that is a viable solution to problems since it is not on the number line. For example given the equation #y = x^2 + 1# the zeros are #i and -i#, but since that means a #90°# rotation we are in the #3rd# dimension however our equation is only in #2# dimensions. Maybe I am thinking of this in the wrong way, but someone please try and explain and prove that imaginary numbers just rotate and please explain how our #2# dimensional function can have two zeros in the #3rd# dimension.

1 Answer
Jun 19, 2017

A few thoughts...


The Real numbers are usually thought of as constituting a line which we call the Real line.

This is the #x#-axis of the Complex plane, representing an extension of the Real numbers to numbers of the form #a+bi#, where #i# is the imaginary unit (i.e. the point #(0, 1)#).

Addition of complex numbers is two dimensional vector addition, that is:

#(a+bi)+(c+di) = (a+c)+(b+d)i#

Multiplication of complex numbers is defined as:

#(a+bi)(c+di) = (ac-bd)+(ad+bc)i#

This has some interesting properties:

  • Real numbers are complex numbers of the form #a+0i#

  • Multiplication by Real numbers is scalar multiplication:

    #(a+0i)(c+di) = ac+adi#

  • The square of #i# is #-1#:

    #i^2 = (0+1i)(0+1i) = ((0)(0)-(1)(1))+((0)(1)+(1)(0))i = -1#

The modulus of a complex number is its length as a vector, which can be deduce from Pythagoras:

#abs(a+bi) = sqrt(a^2+b^2)#

Hence we find that any Complex number of modulus #1# can be represented in the form:

#cos theta + i sin theta#

Multiplication by such a number is pure rotation by #theta# in an anticlockwise direction:

#(cos theta + i sin theta)(a+bi)#

#= (a cos theta - b sin theta)+(b cos theta + a sin theta)i#

By the time we get to this point, some readers might be thinking "matrices". Indeed, complex numbers have a natural representation in terms of #2xx2# matrices with real coefficients. Then addition and multiplication become matrix addition and multiplication:

#((a, b),(-b, a))+((c,d),(-d,c)) = ((a+c,b+d),(-(b+d),a+c))#

#((a, b),(-b,a))((c,d),(-d,c)) = ((ac-bd,ad+bc),(-(ad+bc),ac-bd))#

Notice that complex numbers of modulus #1# take the form:

#((cos theta, sin theta),(-sin theta, cos theta))#

which is recognisable as the matrix representing a rotation through angle #theta# about the origin.

In general, multiplication by a complex number is a combination of rotation about the origin and scaling.