Can Viruses said as 'living' Because they Replicate themselves ?

2 Answers



I'd say no, because viruses can only replicate if they are inside a host; not independently.

Aug 6, 2017

No Because viruses do not actually replicate themselves. Viruses use the DNA of another organism to replicate themselves.


Actually there is a great degree of debate on this topic. Many would say that viruses are living things because they can replicate themselves with the help of another organisms. Others would say that because viruses can not replicate themselves by themselves they are not truly a living thing.

Viruses seem to be a result of degeneration due to the loss of information. It is easier and takes less energy for an organism to let another organism do the work of reproduction. The problem is that the parasitic organism becomes dependent on its host and less able to live on its own.

If viruses are truly alive is a question still open to debate.