Change these sentences into passive voice? 1.your mother teaches science. 2.the children loved pt.jawaharlal nehru

1 Answer
Mar 22, 2018

See answer below:


Firstly, what is passive voice? Your sentences are in active voice right now, and we are going to change them to passive voice. So what's the difference?

  • Passive means that the action is being done to the subject. It often has a "by phrase", meaning that it will say who the action is being done by. "By him", "by the dog", "by the teachers", etc.
  • Active means that the subject is doing the action. This is what you think of as a normal sentence.

So we will change the sentences you gave into passive voice by switching the word order and make the subject receive the action instead of the subject doing the action.

  1. #rarr# Active: Your mother teaches science.
    #rarr# #color(red)"Passive:"# Science is taught by your mother.
  2. #rarr# Active: The children loved Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.
    #rarr# #color(red)"Passive"#: Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was loved by the children.