Christy bought an 8-foot piece of lumber to trim a bookshelf. Altogether, she needs 100 inches of lumber for the trim. Did Christy buy enough lumber?

2 Answers

No unless she cuts the piece of lumber in half lengthwise.


# 8 ft xx ( (12 "inches") /(1 ft)) = 96 "# inches.

#96< 100 #

So she does not have enough lumber.

Apr 12, 2017



One foot is the same length as 12 inches

So, as we have 8 feet we have 8 lots of 12 inches

8 is #2xx2xx2# so we have:



#=2xx2xx24 larr" the first multiplication by 2"#

#=2xx48 larr" the second multiplication by 2"#

#=96 larr" the third multiplication by 2"#

So 8 feet is the same length as 96 inches.

This is not enough as the target is 100 inches