Colors that do not contrast strongly with each other, and which are similar in wavelength, are what type of colors?

1 Answer
Mar 13, 2017

Colours that do not contrast strongly with each other and are similar in wavelength are analogous colours.


The colour wheel

A colour wheel is often a circle that is divided into 12 segments.

The three primary colours — red, yellow, and blue — are in segments at angles of 120° to each other.

In segments bisecting these angles are the secondary colours — orange, green, and violet.

Filling the remaining segments are six intermediate colours.

These are red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet.

Analogous colours

Analogous colours are colours that are next to each other on a colour wheel.

For example, orange, red-orange, and red are analogous colours.

Analogous colours are often found in nature, such as in the blue-green, green, and yellow-green of foliage.