Compare temperatures for London, England, and Moscow, Russia, separated by about 4 degrees of latitude. Explain how this difference could be explained partly by the same factors?

1 Answer
Jan 29, 2018

Less solar radiation in winter and, mostly, distance from the ocean and from the Gulf Stream,


London and Moscow experience decisively different climates mostly in winter with an average temperature in London of plus 5 Celsius compared to the minus 8 Celsius of Moscow.

Moscow being at higher latitude receives less solar radiation (heat) in winter than London that is at lower latitude. This impact the local climate allowing for colder winters in Moscow.

London is closer to the Ocean and thus benefits of the climate mitigating effects of being nearby a large body of water. Moreover the Gulf Stream (a warm current originated in the Gulf of Mexico and flowing across the Atlantic towards the norther shores of Europe) extends its effect to the UK.

Moscow being far from any large body of water (about 1,000 km from the Baltic Sea) does not benefit of sea climate and has a more typical continental climate with warm, humid summers and long cold winters.