Convert 1400 mmHg into atmospheres. Enter answer as a number with units rounded to the proper number of significant digits?

2 Answers
May 18, 2018

This is merely a unit conversion between units of pressure.

#1400"mmHg" * "atm"/(760"mmHg") approx 1.84"atm"#

Look at these conversions one relationship at a time!

May 18, 2018

Well, #1*atm-="760 mm Hg"#


Or rather that an atmosphere will support a column of mercury that is #760*mm# high.... These days, the mercury column has all bit disappeared. Mercury manometers were an exceptionally useful thing to have in the lab, but were frowned upon by the health and safety apparatchiks.

You DO NOT record a mercury pressure over #760*mm # high. You do this, and you will probably get mercury all over the lab, where it will infest every nook and every cranny. The person who set this problem, has NEVER used a mercury manometer, and should educate themselves....

You could say I suppose that #1400*mm*Hg# represents a pressure of #2*atm# approx. It is not something I would say, and the question is not realistic, and this should be communicated to the creature who proposed this question.

See here for the same spray....