Cube root of a number is equal to its own cube. What are all the possibilities for this number?

3 Answers
Apr 20, 2016

At least #0, -1# and #1#.

With #Arg(z) in (-pi, pi]# there are additional Complex solutions:





Cubing both sides we get:

#x^9 = x#

Note that cubing both sides may (and actually does) introduce spurious solutions.

One solution is #x=0#, which is a solution of the original equation.

If #x != 0# then we can divide both sides by #x# to get:

#x^8 = 1#

This has Real solutions #x = +-1#, both of which are solutions of the original problem, if we follow the normal convention that #root(3)(1) = 1# and #root(3)(-1) = -1#.

Any possible Complex solutions of this octic equation can be expressed in the form:

#cos((k pi)/4) + i sin((k pi)/4)# for #k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7#

That is:

#x = { (1), (sqrt(2)/2+sqrt(2)/2i), (i), (-sqrt(2)/2+sqrt(2)/2i), (-1), (-sqrt(2)/2-sqrt(2)/2i), (-i), (sqrt(2)/2-sqrt(2)/2i) :}#

The question as to whether any of these is a solution of the original equation depends on what you mean by #root(3)(x)# if #x in CC#.

Suppose, consistent with #Arg(z) in (-pi, pi]#, we define:

#root(3)(cos theta + i sin theta) = cos (theta/3) + i sin (theta/3)#

when #-pi < theta < pi#

Most of the solutions of #x^8=1# are not solutions of #x^3 = root(3)(x)#, but the following two are:

#x = { (-sqrt(2)/2+sqrt(2)/2i), (-sqrt(2)/2-sqrt(2)/2i) :}#

Note that if you prefer #Arg(z) in [0, 2pi)# then the valid solutions apart from #0, 1 and -1# are:

#x = { (-sqrt(2)/2+sqrt(2)/2i), (-i) :}#

Apr 20, 2016

is there a more systematic way?


#x^8 = e^(2nipi)#
#x = e^(ni pi/4)# where #n=1,8#

Apr 20, 2016

The solutions are #+-1. +-i, (+-1+-i)/sqrt2#


Let the number be x.

# x=1^(3/8). =(1^3)^(1/8)=1^(1/8)#

#So, x=(e^(i2n pi))^(1/8)=e^((i2npi)/8)#, n = any integer, including 0.

The values for n = 0, 1, 2.., 7 are repeated, in a cycle, for other values of n.

The eight distinct values are determinate and are listed in the answer.

Importantly, observe that x = 0 is not a solution. .