Distance/time/velocity question pls help?

Frances travels between two places, Akville and Bracktown. She walks half the distance at 5km/h and runs the other half 10km/h. if the total time for her journey is 3 hours, what is the distance from Akville to Bracktown?

1 Answer
Jan 31, 2018

#x=20# km



Let's let the distance be #x#.

If she walks half of it at #5# km/h then the amount of time it takes her to walk that half is:

#(x/2)/5=x/10# hours

Because she runs the other half at #10# km/h then the amount of time it takes her to run that half is:

#(x/2)/10=x/20# hours

Now, we can say:




#x=20# km