That the sequence defined by an=1n2+1 converges to zero is clear (if you wanted to be rigorous, for any ε>0, the condition 0<1n2+1<ε is equivalent to choosing n so that n>√1ε−1, which, for any 0<ε<1 can definitely be done).
The series ∞∑n=11n2+1 is most easily seen to converge by the comparison test. Let bn=1n2, note that 0≤an≤bn for all positive integers n, and note that ∞∑n=1bn converges since it's a p-series with p=2>1 (the integral test can also be used to prove ∞∑n=1bn converges). Therefore, ∞∑n=1an=∞∑n=11n2+1 converges by the comparison test.
To see that it converged to πcoth(π)−12≈1.077, I used Wolfram Alpha with the input: sum (1/(k^2+1)) as k goes from one to infinity.
Note: coth(x)=1tanh(x)=cosh(x)sinh(x)=ex+e−xex−e−x