Does adding a nonvolatile solute to a liquid tend to increase or to decrease its vapor pressure?

1 Answer
May 31, 2017

It ALWAYS decreases the vapor pressure when it's a nonvolatile solute.

A nonvolatile solute does not vaporize at all. Hence, it does not contribute to the vapor pressure above the solution, and we can focus on the effect of the solute being dissolved in solution on the vapor pressure.

By Raoult's law for ideal solutions:

P_A = chi_(A(l))P_A^"*"PA=χA(l)P*A,


  • P_APA is the vapor pressure above the solution of solvent AA.
  • "*"* indicates pure solvent.
  • chi_(A(l))χA(l) is the mol fraction of AA in the solution phase.

If we add a nonvolatile solute BB, then we must have that chi_(A(l)) < 1χA(l)<1, because anything added in will lower the fraction from a maximum of 11 to be below 11. Therefore...

P_A < P_A^"*"PA<P*A

when ANY nonvolatile solute BB is mixed in. This means that the vapor pressure P_APA of the solvent AA must have decreased due to adding BB, from its pure vapor pressure P_A^"*"P*A.