Does this sequence converge or diverge?

Does the sequence a_n=(-1)^n *n+n converge or diverge? If the sequence does converge, what number do the terms of the sequence converge to?

My answer is that it converges to 0. Am I correct?

1 Answer
Dec 16, 2017

This series diverges, since the even-valued terms in n get increasingly large without limit, and the odd-valued terms all equal zero.


If you write the first two terms:

a_1 = (-1)^1 *n +n = -n+n=0

a_2 = (-1)^2 *n + n= n+n = 2n

you quickly see that this process repeats such that for every n that is odd, the term is zero and for every n that is even, the term is 2n.

As n gets steadily larger, the even terms grow as an infinite sum of non-zero values that get increasingly large, while the odd terms vanish.

Therefore, the series diverges.