Eight less than the product of 9 and a number is 7. What is the number?

1 Answer
Nov 13, 2016

#x=15/9# or #5/3# or #1 2/3#


8 less than #=># Subtract 8 from something: #... -8#.

  • "Less than" indicates subtraction

Product of #9# and a number #=># #9x#

  • "Product" is multiplication, but what #9# is being multiplied by is unknown, so let #x# represent the unknown number

Is #7=># = 7

  • The whole thing equals 7


Now, to find the unknown number, begin to isolate #x# by adding 8 on both sides of the equation


Isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 9

#x=5/3# or #1 2/3#