Erin needs $15.35 for a new sweater. She gets $5 for her allowance each week. How many weeks will she need to save her allowance to have enough money to buy the sweater?

1 Answer
Jul 25, 2017

See a solution process below:


We can write and equation to solve this problem as:

#$5 * w >= $15.35#


#$5# is Erin's weekly allowance.

#w# is the number of weeks Erin needs to work

#>=# is used because Erin needs to earn at least this much

#$15.35# is how much Erin needs to save

Solving for #w# gives:

#($5 * w)/color(red)($5) >= ($15.35)/color(red)($5)#

#(color(red)(cancel(color(black)($5))) * w)/cancel(color(red)($5)) >= (color(red)(cancel(color(black)($)))15.35)/color(red)(color(black)(cancel(color(red)($))5)#

#w >= 3.07#

We need to round this answer up to an even integer.

Therefore, Erin needs to work #color(red)(4)# weeks to have enough money to buy the sweater.