Explain VSEPR theory?

2 Answers
Feb 22, 2018


The key idea of VESPER is to count the number of electron pairs, bonding, and non-bonding, around a central atom. The geometry of the electron pairs assumes the geometry of the Platonic solids....

Feb 22, 2018

VSEPR theory is the acronym for valence shell electro pair repulsion theory. It’s basic premise is that the 3 dimensional structure of compounds is determined by the repulsion of electron pairs in the valence shell around a central atom.


According to the theory the valence electrons around a central atom interact with the valence electrons of ligand to form chemical bonds (electron pairs). The electron pairs repell one another forming distinct shapes that maximize the repulsion. These shapes depend on the number of bonded ligand. When there are additional non bonded electron pairs in the central atoms valence shell the basic shapes become distorted as non bonded electron pairs are even more repulsive than bonded pairs. For example H2O has four total electron pairs around its central atom (oxygen). It’s basic shape is a tetrahedron.

However there are two pairs bonded each to H and two non bonded pairs. This results in a “bent” V shape