F(x)=x^2 +6x-8 Find range of f I found the range correctly as -17 but I don't know that where should be inequality sign direction?

1 Answer
May 3, 2018

#y inRR,y>=-17#


#"we require to find the vertex of the parabola and establish"#
#"if it is a maximum or minimum"#

#"the equation of a parabola in "color(blue)"vertex form"# is.


#"where "(h,k)" are the coordinates of the vertex and a"#
#"is a multiplier"#

#"to obtain this form "color(blue)"complete the square"#

#rArry=x^2+2(3)x color(red)(+9)color(red)(-9)-8#

#rArry=(x+3)^2-17larrcolor(red)"in vertex form"#

#rArrcolor(magenta)"vertex "=(-3,-17)#

#"since "a>0" then minimum "uuu#

#"range is "y inRR,y>=-17#

#y in[-17,oo)larrcolor(blue)"in interval notation"#
graph{x^2+6x-8 [-40, 40, -20, 20]}