Find the volume of the gas at NTP by treating 200gm of CaCO3 with excess of dil Hcl?

1 Answer
Dec 23, 2017



We address the stoichiometric equation....

#CaCO_3(s) + 2HCl(aq) rarr CaCl_2(aq) + CO_2(g)uarr + H_2O(l)#

And thus moles of calcium carbonate is equivalent to the moles of carbon dioxide gas evolved....

Now #"NTP"# specifies a pressure of #1*"bar"# (#0.987*atm#) and a temperature of #293.15*K#, and the molar volume is #24.05*L#...

With respect to calcium carbonate we gots a molar quantity of....


And thus we gots a #2*mol# quantity of carbon dioxide evolved...the which expresses a volume of #2*molxx24.05*L*mol^-1=??L#