Given θ = 60∘, 0∘ < α < 360∘ and α ≠ θ, find α, such that:?

Given θ = 60∘, 0∘ < α < 360∘ and α ≠ θ, find α, such that:?

1 Answer

Sine: #a=120#
Cosine: #a=300#


Since #sin# is positive in quadrants I and II, we know that #a# must be in quadrant II, with a #60# reference triangle. Since reference triangles in quadrant II occur on the #-x-#axis, which is 180 degrees, we know #a=(180-60)=120#

Cosine is positive in quadrants I and IV. Using the same process as above we can deduce #a=(360-60)=300#