Help me identify metaphors or any other figurative language in this poem? List as much as possible, thank you!

Your love flows through my veins
like the Nile River flows through
the sands of Egypt.
Love flows through my veins
like rivers that break off into endless streams
and water the gardens of the green stems
of torn covered rose bushes.

In my veins, you flow, as a sparrow
flies through the blue skies in beauty.
You are the blood that flows through my veins
and later settles deep in my heart
and embraces me with a hug of intimace.

Love flows through my veins
like endless notes played by the sweetest composer
along with his private orchestra playing a lovely melody.
Rivers, streams break off and flow into lakes and oceans,
Like my veins that lead to my heart,
you are always there flowing through my veins.
Your love flows through my veins.

1 Answer
Mar 24, 2018

"Your love flows through my veins"- this is a complex metaphor utilized in the metaphor which compares someone's love to blood
"You are the blood"- explicitly stated
"you are always there flowing through my veins"- repeated over and over in various ways for emphasis

"like the Nile River flows through
the sands of Egypt"- comparison using like or as
"like rivers that break off into endless streams
and water the gardens of the green stems
of torn covered rose bushes"- comparison using like or as
"like endless notes played by the sweetest composer"- comparison using like or as
"Like my veins that lead to my heart"- comparison using like or as

"blood that flows through my veins
and later settles deep in my heart
and embraces me with a hug of intimace"- The blood gives the person an intimate hug, therefore giving the blood human like characteristics