Hi, I was wondering how transformations, such as dilations, affect definite integrals. Specifically, why is the first statement in the example below true? Why is the first integral 1/3 of the second? Thanks!

The first statement is this


I am given this information




There is a dilation of 1/3 from the y-axis and a horizontal translation of 1/3 to the left, but I am not sure why the first integral is 1/3 of the second.

1 Answer
Sep 25, 2017

We aim to show that:

# I = int_1^3f(3x+1)dx = (1/3)*3=1#


# int_4^10 f(x) \ dx = 3#

We can perform a substitution on the first integral:

Let #u=3x+1 => (du)/dx = 3#

And when we perform a transformation substitution, we must change the limits of integration accordingly,

When # x = { (1), (3) :} => u = { (4), (10) :} #

Now, we can prepare and perform the substitution, and change the integration limits, which gives:

# I = int_1^3 \ f(3x+1) \ dx#
# \ \ = int_1^3 \ f(3x+1) \ (1/3)(3)dx#
# \ \ = int_4^10 \ f(u) \ (1/3) \ du #
# \ \ = 1/3 \ int_4^10 \ f(u) \ du \ \ \ \ # ..... (A)
# \ \ = 1/3 (3) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ # ..... (B)
# \ \ = 1# QED

Here we have used two fundamental properties of integrals, namely:

Scaling by a Constant

# int \ c \ f(t) \ dt = c \ int \ f(t) \ dt # where #\# is constant

This was used at [A] above to factor out the #1/3# multiplier.

Changing the variable alone of a definite Integration

# int_a^b \ f(x) \ dx = int_a^b \ f(z) \ dz = int_a^b \ f(t) \ dt #

This was used at [B] above to evaluate:

#int_4^10 \ f(u) du \ \ \ #, which is the same as #int_4^10 \ f(x) dx #

Not that here no transformation has occurred. If we think about a definite integral in term of the area under the curve, we are simply saying that if we change the label along on the graph of the function from#x# to #t#, say the area does not change.

Further Explanation:

For further insight as to why the variables must be changed during a transformation, please review this solution:

Evaluating definite Integral and changing the values of A and B?