How are hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine, and hyperbolic tangent used in real life?
I know everything about them, but I am curious about problems that they could solve in real world.
I know everything about them, but I am curious about problems that they could solve in real world.
1 Answer
Catenary Curve...
This is an idea i have heard about a while ago...
Lets say we take a piece of slack string, and hold it, so it is still slack, and so it hangs vertically downward, or even a peice of chain, tethered to two posts, and hangs downward, both of these can be directly modelled by the hyperbolic cosine,
Or in general the function is:
So in this image, it models a peice of string bieng held at
This is the curve:
Where this curve can be parametrically defined as:
Where also arcs and archways can also be modelled by the caternary curve, where this has the properties of having a very strong foundation and infrastucture...
I hope this is a small insight to how hyperbolic functions can be used in the real world!